Position: Co-Founder and Vice President of Commercial Operations, Vera AI, Vice President of Responsible AI at AI Explainability and model monitoring company Arthur AI.
Expertise Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Contact: lizjosullivan@gmail.com
Liz O’Sullivan is a Co-founder and Vice President of Commercial Operations at an AI explainability startup that’s currently in stealth mode, and that’s all she can say about that for now! She’s also the Resident Technologist at anti-surveillance non-profit S.T.O.P. (Surveillance Technology Oversight Project). She has been featured in articles on ethical AI in the NY Times, NPR, The Intercept, The Register, and has written about AI for the ACLU. She has spent 10 years in tech & AI, most recently as the head of image annotations for computer vision startup, Clarifai. She has held various leadership roles in NYC startups, ranging from Customer Delivery and Support to Sales and Solutions Architecture. Her passion for ethics springs from her degree in Philosophy from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.