Stephen Graham

Position: Professor at Newcastle University

Links: Website

Expertise Areas: Urban Planning, Sociology of Technology, Geography



Stephen Graham is an academic and author who researches cities and urban life. He is Professor of Cities and Society at the Global Urban Research Unit and is based in Newcastle University’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.

Professor Graham has a background in Geography, Planning and the Sociology of Technology. His research centres, in particular, on:

* relations between cities, technology and infrastructure

* urban aspects of surveillance

* the mediation of urban life by digital technologies; and

* connections between security, militarisation and urban life.

Writing, publishing and lecturing across many countries and a variety of disciplines, Professor Graham has been Visiting Professor at MIT and NYU, amongst other institutions. The author, editor or co-author of seven major books, his work has been translated into fifteen languages.

Blog Posts


    Desai R, McFarlane C, Graham S. The Politics of Open Defecation: Informality, Body, and Infrastructure in Mumbai. Antipode 2015, 47(1), 98-120.

    Graham S. Automated Repair and Back-Up Systems. In: Thrift, N; Ticknell, A; Wollgar, S; Rupp, WH, ed. Globalization in Practice. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2014.

    Graham S. Belägrade städer : Den nya militära urbanismen (Swedish). Stockholm, Sweden: Bokförlaget Daidalos, 2014.

    Graham S. Human rights and the new military urbanism. In: van Lindert, T; Lettinga, D, ed. The Future of Human Rights in an Urban World. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amnesty International, 2014, pp.45-50.

    McFarlane C, Desai R, Graham S. Informal Urban Sanitation: Everyday Life, Poverty, and Comparison. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 2014, 104(5), 989-1011.

    Graham S, McFarlane C, ed. Infrastructural Lives: Urban Infrastructure in Context. London, UK: Routledge, 2014.

    Graham S. Life-support: The political ecology of urban air. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 2014. In Press.

    Graham S, Kaker S. Living the Security City: Karachi’s Archipelago of Enclaves. Harvard Design Magazine 2014, 37, 12-16.

    Graham S. Software-sorted geographies. In: Mangold, W., Katz, C., Low, S., Saegert, S, ed. People, Place, and Space: A Reader. New York: Routledge, 2014. In Press.

    Graham S. Super-tall and ultra-deep: The cultural politics of the elevator. Theory, Culture and Society 2014, 31(7-8), 239-265.

    Hewitt L, Graham S. Vertical cities: Representations of urban verticality in 20th-century science fiction literature. Urban Studies 2014, Epub ahead of print.

    Graham S. Disruptions. In: Adey, P; Bissell, D; Hannam, K; Merriman, P; Sheller, M, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities. London, UK: Routledge, 2013.

    Graham S. Foucault’s Boomerang: the new military urbanism. 2013. Available at:’s-boomerang-new-military-urbanism.

    Graham S. Gaza is Everywhere. In: Bishop,R; Hon, G, ed. Otherwise Occupied: The palestinian pavilion at the venice biennale. Venice and Jerusalem: Palestinian Art Court, 2013, pp.163.

    Graham S, Hewitt L. Getting off the ground: On the politics of urban verticality. Progress in Human Geography 2013, 37(1), 72-92.

    Graham S. The new military urbanism. In: Ball,K; Snider,L, ed. The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: A Political Economy of Surveillance. London: Routledge, 2013, pp.232. In Preparation.

    Graham S, Desai R, Mcfarlane C. Water wars in Mumbai. Public Culture 2013, 25(1 69), 115-141.

    Dorrian M, Graham S. Welcome to the Dronosphere. Oakland, California: PM Press, 2013. In Press.

    Graham S. Data Archipelagos. In: CLOG, ed. Data Space. CLOG, 2012. In Preparation.

    Graham S. Digital Medieval. Surveillance and Society 2012, 9(3), 321-327.

    Graham S, Marvin S. Emergency Urbanism in the Anthroprocene: Eco-emergency, Resource Securitisation and Premium Ecological Enclaves. In: Hass, T, ed. Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond: Rethinking Cities for the Future. Rizzoli, 2012.

    Graham S. Olympics 2012 security: welcome to lockdown London. The Guardian 2012.

    Crang M, Graham S. Sentient Cities: Ambient Intelligence and the Politics of Urban Space. Monu Magazine 2012, 16.

    Graham S. Villes sous contrôle: La militarisation de l’espace urbain. Paris, France: La Découverte, 2012.

    Graham S. Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism. London: Verso, 2011.

    Graham S. Disruptions. In: Gandy, M, ed. Urban Constellations. Berlin: Jovis, 2011, pp.65-69.

    Graham S. The new military urbanism. In: Bridge, G., Watson, S, ed. The New Blackwell Companion to the City. Oxford: Blackwell, 2011, pp.121-133.

    Graham S. The new military urbanism. In: Tyner, J., Inwood, J, ed. Nonkilling Geographies. Honolulu, Hawaii: Center for Global Nonkilling, 2011, pp.67-88.

    Nagaraj V, Graham S. Urban militarism: excluding the ‘disordered’ [Interview]. London:, 2011. Available at:

    Graham S, ed. Disrupted Cities: When Infrastructure Fails. New York: Routledge, 2010.

    Graham S. From Helmand to Merseyside: Unmanned drones and the militarisation of UK policing. Open Democracy 2010.

    Graham S. Laboratories of War: surveillance and US-Israeli collaboration in war and security. In: Zureik, E; Lyon, D; Abu-Laban, Y, ed. Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine: Population, Territory and Power. New York: Routledge, 2010, pp.133-152.

    Graham S. Cities as Battlespace: The new military urbanism. City 2009, 13(4), 383-402.

    Graham S. Networked Infrastructure and the Urban Condition. In: Tim Rieniets; Jennifer Sigler, ed. Open City: Designing Coexistence. Rotterdam: Sun Publishers, 2009, pp.416.

    Graham S. Splintering urbanism and urban assemblages. In: Farias, I; Bender, T, ed. Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies. London: Routledge, 2009, pp.352.

    Graham S. The urban ‘battlespace’. Theory, Culture and Society 2009, 26(7-8), 278-288.

    Graham S. Robowar dreams: US military technophilia and global south urbanization. City 2008, 12(1), 25-49.

    Graham S. Cities and the ‘war on terror’. In: Sorkin M, ed. Indefensible Space: The Architecture of the National Insecurity State. New York: Routledge, 2007, pp.1-28.

    Graham S. Imagining urban warfare: Urbanization and US military technoscience. In: Cowen D; Gilbert E, ed. War, Citizenship, Territory. London: Routledge, 2007, pp.33-56.

    Graham S. Inter-City Relations and the ‘War on Terror’. In: Taylor P; Derudder B; Saey F; Witlox F, ed. Cities in Globalization: Practices, Policies and Theories. London: Routledge, 2007, pp.219-236.

    Campbell D, Monk D, Graham S. Introduction to urbicide: The killing of cities?. Theory and Event 2007, 10(2).

    Graham S, Thrift N. Out of order: Understanding maintenance and repair. Theory, Culture and Society 2007, 24(3), 1-25.

    Crang M, Graham S. Sentient cities: Ambient intelligence and the politics of urban space. Information, Communications and Society 2007, 10(6), 789-817.

    Crang M, Crosbie T, Graham S. Technology, time-space and the remediation of neighbourhood life. Environment and Planning A 2007, 39(10), 2405–2422.

    Graham S. Temporal aspects of splintering urbanism. In: Henckel D;Pahl-Weber E;Kerlommer B, ed. Time-Space-Places. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2007, pp.22-35.

    Graham S. The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham. Subtopia, 2007. Available at:

    Graham S. War and the city. New Left Review 2007, 44, 121-132.

    Graham S. War play: Practising urban annihilation. In: von Borries F;Walz S;Böttger M, ed. Space Time Play: Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism – the Next Level. Basel: Birkhauser, 2007, pp.420-424.

    Graham S. America’s robot army. New Statesman 2006, 135(4796), 12/15.

    Graham S. ’Homeland’ insecurities? Katrina and the politics of security in Metropolitan America. Space and Culture 2006, 9(1), 63-67.

    Graham S. Cities and the ‘War on Terror’. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2006, 30(2), 255-276.

    Graham S. Cities Under Siege: Katrina and the Politics of Metropolitan America. United States: Social Sciences Research Council (SSRC), 2006. Available at:

    Graham S. Demodernizing by design: Everyday infrastructure and political violence. In: Gregory, D; Pred, A, ed. Violent Geographiess: Fear, Terror, and Political Violence. New York: Routledge, 2006, pp.309-328.

    Graham S. Global grids of glass: On global cities, telecommunications and planetary urban networks. In: Brenner N; Kiel R, ed. The Global Cities Reader. London: Routledge, 2006, pp.118-126.

    Murakami Wood D, Graham S. Permeable Boundaries in the Software-sorted Society: Surveillance and the Differentiation of Mobility. In: Shellar M; Urry J, ed. Mobile Technologies of the City. London: Routledge, 2006, pp.177-191.

    Graham S. Remember Fallujah: Demonising place, constructing atrocity. In: Miessen M; Basar S, ed. Did Someone Say Participate? An Atlas of Spatial Practice. Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 2006, pp.202-216.

    Graham S. Spectres of terror. In: Misselwitz P; Rieniets T, ed. Cities in Collision: Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser, 2006, pp.156-162.

    Graham S. Surveillance, Urbanization, and the U.S. ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’. In: Lyon, D, ed. Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon and Beyond. Cullompton, Devon: Willan, 2006, pp.247-269.

    Crang M, Crosbie T, Graham S. Variable geometries of connection: Urban digital divides and the uses of information technology,”. Urban Studies 2006, 43(13), 2551-2570.

    Vigar G, Graham S, Healey P. In search of the city in spatial strategies: Past legacies, future imaginings. Urban Studies 2005, 42(8), 1391-1410.

    Graham S. Remember Fallujah: Demonising place, constructing atrocity. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2005, 23(1), 1-10.

    Graham SDN. Software-sorted geographies. Progress in Human Geography 2005, 29(5), 562-580.

    Graham S. Strategies for networked cities. In: Albrechts, L; Mandlebaum, S, ed. The Network Society: A New Context for Planning?. London: Routledge, 2005, pp.95-109.

    Graham S. Switching cities off: Urban infrastructure and US air power. City 2005, 9(2), 169-194.

    Graham S. Urban metabolism as target: Contemporary war as forced demodernisation. In: Heynene, N; Swyngedouw, E; Kaika, M, ed. In the Nature of Cities: Urban Political Ecology and the Politics of Urban Metabolism, London: Routledge, 246-265. London: Routledge, 2005, pp.246-265.

    Graham S, Guy S. “Internetting” downtown San Francisco: Digital space meets urban place. In: Coutart, O., Hanley, R., Zimmerman, R, ed. The Social Sustainability of Technical Networks. London: Routledge, 2004, pp.32-47.

    Graham S. Beyond the ‘dazzling light’: From dreams of transcendence to the ‘remediation’ of urban life: A research manifesto. New Media and Society 2004, 6(1), 16-25.

    Graham S. Cities as strategic sites: Place annihilation and urban geopolitics. In: Graham, S, ed. Cities, War and Terrorism: Towards an Urban Geopolitics. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004, pp.31-53.

    Graham S, ed. Cities, War and Terrorism: Towards and Urban Geopolitics. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

    Graham S. Constructing urbicide by bulldozer in the Occupied Territories. In: Graham S, ed. Cities, War and Terrorism : towards an urban geopolitics. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004, pp.192-213.

    Graham S. Postmortem city. City 2004, 8(2), 165-196.

    Graham S, ed. The Cybercities Reader. London: Routledge, 2004.

    Graham S. Vertical geopolitics: Baghdad and after. Antipode 2004, 36(1), 12-23.

    Graham S, Wood D. Digitizing surveillance: Categorization, space, inequality. Critical Social Policy 2003, 23(2), 227-248.

    Graham S. Lessons in Urbicide. New Left Review 2003, 19, 63-77.

    Graham S. The eyes have it: CCTV as the fifth utility. In: Wilson, D; Norris, C, ed. Surveillance, Crime and Social Control. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003, pp.147-150.

    Graham S. ‘Clean Territory’: Urbicide in the West Bank. London: openDemocracy, 2002. Available at:

    Graham S. Bridging urban digital divides? Urban polarisation and information and communications technologies (ICTs). Urban Studies 2002, 39(1), 33-56.

    Graham S. Bridging Urban Digital Divides? Urban Polarisation and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). Urban Studies 2002, 39(1), 33-56.

    Graham S. Bulldozers and bombs: The latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict as asymmetric urbicide. Antipode 2002, 34(4), 642-649.

    Graham S. Communication grids: Cities and infrastructure. In: Sassen, S, ed. Global Networks, Linked Cities. New York: Routledge, 2002, pp.71-92.

    Graham S, Guy S. Digital space meets urban place: Sociotechnologies of urban restructuring in downtown San Francisco. City 2002, 6(3), 369-382.

    Graham S. FlowCity: Networked mobilities and the contemporary metropolis. Journal of Urban Technology 2002, 9(1), 1-20.

    Graham S. On technology, infrastructure, and the contemporary urban condition: A response to Coutard. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2002, 26(1), 175-182.

    Graham S. Special collection: Reflections on cities, September 11th and the ‘War on Terrorism’ – One year on. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2002, 26(3), 589-590.

    Graham S. Braczyk, H.J., Fuchs, G., Wolf, H. (eds.), ‘Multimedia and regional economic restructuring’, (London: Routledge, 1999). European Planning Studies 2001, 9(7), 935-936.

    Graham S. In a moment: On glocal mobilities and the terrorised city. City 2001, 5(3), 411-415.

    Graham S. Information technologies and reconfigurations of urban space. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2001, 25(2), 405-410.

    Graham S, Marvin S. Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition. London: Routledge, 2001.

    Graham S. The spectre of the splintering metropolis. Cities 2001, 18(6), 365-368.

    Graham S. Constructing premium network spaces: Reflections on infrastructure networks and contemporary urban development. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2000, 24(1), 183-200.

    Aurigi A, Graham S. Cyberspace and the City: The ‘Virtual City’ in Europe. In: Watson, S; and Bridge G, ed. Companion to the City. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2000, pp.489-502.

    Graham S. Introduction: Cities and Infrastructure Networks. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2000, 24(1), 114-119.

    Graham S. Telecommunications and the future of cities: Debunking the myths. EURE-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE ESTUDIOS URBANO REGIONALES 2000, 26(77), 5-23.

    Marvin S, Graham S, Guy S. Cities, regions and privatised utilities. Progress in Planning 1999, 51(2), 91-169.

    Sheppard E, Couclelis H, Graham S, Harrington JW, Onsrud H. Geographies of the information society. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 1999, 13(8), 797-823.

    Graham S. Global grids of glass: On global cities, telecommunications and planetary urban networks. Urban Studies 1999, 36(5-6), 929-949.

    Graham S, Marvin S. Planning cybercities? Integrating telecommunications into urban planning. Town Planning Review 1999, 70(1), 89-114.

    Graham S, Healey P. Relational concepts of space and place: Issues for planning theory and practice. European Planning Studies 1999, 7(5), 623-646.

    Speak S, Graham S. Service not included: Private services restructuring, neighbourhoods, and social marginalisation. Environment and Planning A 1999, 31(11), 1985-2001.

    Speak S, Graham S. Service not included: private services restructuring, neighbourhoods, and social marginalisation. Environment and Planning A 1999, 31(11), 1985-2001.

    Graham S. Spaces of surveillant simulation: new technologies, digital representations, and material geographies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 1998, 16(4), 483-504.

    Graham S. The end of geography or the explosion of place? Conceptualizing space, place and information technology. Progress in Human Geography 1998, 22(2), 165-185.

    Graham S. Cities in the real-time age: The paradigm challenge of telecommunications to the conception and planning of urban space. Environment and Planning A 1997, 29(1), 105-127.

    Graham S. Liberalized utilities, new technologies and urban social polarization : the UK experience. European Urban and Regional Studies 1997, 4(2), 135-150.

    Guy S, Graham S, Marvin S. Splintering networks: Cities and technical networks in 1990s Britain. Urban Studies 1997, 34(2), 191-216.

    Graham S. Telecommunications and the future of cities: Debunking the myths. Cities 1997, 14(1), 21-29.

    Amin A, Graham S. The ordinary city. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 1997, 22(4), 411-429.

    Guy S, Graham S, Marvin S. Privatized utilities and regional governance: The new regional managers?. Regional Studies 1996, 30(8), 733-739.

    Graham S. Cities, nations and communications in the global era. European Planning Studies 1995, 3(3), 357-380.

    Graham S. From urban competition to urban collaboration? The development of interurban telematics networks. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 1995, 13(4), 503-524.

    Graham S, Marvin S. Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces, Urban Places. London: Routledge, 1995.

    Graham S. Networking Cities: Telematics in Urban Policy — A Critical Review. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 1994, 18(3), 416-432.

    Dabinett G, Graham S. Telematics and Industrial Change in Sheffield, UK. Regional Studies 1994, 28(6), 605-617.

    Graham S, Marvin S. Telemetric and the convergence of urban infrastructure: Implications for contemporary cities. Town Planning Review 1994, 65(3), 227-242.

    Graham S. Electronic infrastructures and the city: some emerging municipal policy roles in the UK. Urban Studies 1992, 29(5), 755-782.

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